Back to the Grindstone

Greetings, followers! Let's start this week by first apologizing that we didn't have a weekly brief last week. It was Labor Day holiday here in the States, which is usually considered the last day of Summer, so we tend to meet up with our friends and family and have one last day in the sun. That said, this past week has been all about getting back to the grindstone holiday. 

On the development side, we have been meeting about the server hardware we’re going to need as we inch towards our next build. This will include the game servers, and it will also tie in data storage for user accounts and saved player progression, as well as having the game and our website talk to each other. As you can imagine, as our intentions for the muliplayer capabilities grow, the server requirements are getting much more complicated. Our development team has been tasked with mapping what these requirements will look like in the weeks ahead so we can start thinking about how we're going to approach it.

On the design side, we announced three weeks ago that we brought a new designer on to the team, Oliver. As he settles in and learns the project, things are starting to pick up. In some ways, we’re taking steps back so we can take steps forward, but in other ways he’s helping us gain momentum on the design front. More on this to come in the weeks ahead.

Over in art, Oksana and Eric are continuing to crank out assets for the catacombs. With direction from Oksana, Eric is converting elements from concept art to 3D assets that we will be able to place in the game scene. Here’s a small ceiling prop that they were working on this week.

Lastly, in story and lore, we promised a few weeks back that we’d start sharing backstory for Zy Universe in these weekly briefs. Don’t worry, that’s still on the radar. We have been in the process of on boarding a new Narrative Director that is up to the challenge of helping us build an entire universe that can extend well beyond the current iteration of the game, and build a well of lore and backstory we can dip in to for years to come!

That's all this week. Keep checking back for more.


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