Next build on the horizon, and a new and improved HUD
We are moving right along towards our next build! We’ve dubbed this one “I-Alpha 1.0 Post-SMR” which means Internal-Alpha version 1.0, Post Social Media Release in reference to the build we used for the gameplay video last June.
Visually and feature-wise, there won’t be much difference from what you saw in the first-glimpse video, however under the hood we have a completely different animal. Since our social media release build, or “SMR,” our developers have been cranking away on our backend networking framework, and also doing some foundational coding that will allow us to be very nimble when it comes to adding new stuff to the game - be it a new item, or mechanic, or game mode, or whatever! Once we hit this milestone, we should be able to release subsequent builds much more quickly.
We are expecting to complete the Post-SMR build sometime in late December/early January. We are also targeting to get a build into the hands of our Founder Patrons sometime shortly after that (Q1, 2019) so if you want to get on board with early play testing, head over to our Patreon and sign up as a Founder! Along with getting access to our early builds, you also will get exclusive news about Zy Universe on our Discord!
In the meantime, our art team has prototyped us a new HUD that looks pretty nice. Let us know what you think on our Discord in the general-chat channel.
Visually and feature-wise, there won’t be much difference from what you saw in the first-glimpse video, however under the hood we have a completely different animal. Since our social media release build, or “SMR,” our developers have been cranking away on our backend networking framework, and also doing some foundational coding that will allow us to be very nimble when it comes to adding new stuff to the game - be it a new item, or mechanic, or game mode, or whatever! Once we hit this milestone, we should be able to release subsequent builds much more quickly.
We are expecting to complete the Post-SMR build sometime in late December/early January. We are also targeting to get a build into the hands of our Founder Patrons sometime shortly after that (Q1, 2019) so if you want to get on board with early play testing, head over to our Patreon and sign up as a Founder! Along with getting access to our early builds, you also will get exclusive news about Zy Universe on our Discord!
In the meantime, our art team has prototyped us a new HUD that looks pretty nice. Let us know what you think on our Discord in the general-chat channel.