Our Patreon is LIVE!
In the past, we've talked about how our project is revshare -meaning all current 12 members of the team work for little to no pay, and are doing this in hopes that in the end we make a successful game. However, even though we're not sending a regular pay check to our team, we still have costs. Lots of them. Some of them are for small things, like a tool on the Unity store to help speed up our process. Other costs, however, are much bigger. Like getting Zy Universe trademarked, getting our contracts written, and even getting our taxes done. We've also had to outsource/commission some of the more daunting tasks of the project as well. Suffice to say, it's been an investment for our founders (Andy and Chris). But, we're at a point that we feel confident in what we're making; confident enough to turn to you all to ask for support in seeing it through. To that end, we've launched our Patreon site!
What is Patreon? It's a popular crowd funding platform that allows followers of a project like ours to pledge a small monthly donation to help support the development. In return, we will be giving some perks to go along with your pledges. We currently offer two tiers:
Supporter -You will be given Patron status in Discord where you will see more insider news, get more updates, and be able to give your feedback right to the Zy Universe team.
Founder -You get the same perks as Supporter, plus you will be invited to all of our Alpha and Beta play testing! ETA to start early Alpha tests are in Q1 2019. So, if you have been a follower of ours, and want to help us see this thing through, consider heading over to our Patreon site and subscribing. Your contributions go a very long way!